Our Rules

  • Do not attend the Centre if you are unwell.
  • Scan your access tag every time you come into the Centre.
  • Use a towel on all gym equipment.
  • Wipe down all equipment using a red microfibre cloth and disinfectant spray after use. Please spray cloth – not equipment.
  • Appropriate shoes must be worn at all times. No bare feet, boots, thongs or sandals are permitted past the reception area (with the exception of Group Centergy classes).
  • Appropriate and clean clothing and deoderant must be worn at all times.
  • Always be considerate of other members and staff:
  • Foul and offesive language will not be tolerated.
  • Don’t hog equipment.
  • You must comply with the reasonable directions of our staff.
  • Weights, benches and any other equipment must be returned to where they belong.
  • Don’t drop, bang or slam weights.
  • Safety arms must be used on rigs at all times.
  • Always use locking collars on bars.
  • Unauthorised personal training is prohibited in the Centre.